James Bond is a fictional character created by Ian Fleming. Ian Fleming wrote the James Bond books at first then in time United Artists - UA created the movies, until MGM took them over, James Bond movies are still in production up to date, until someone decides that he be killed.
James Bond.
by HarryPothead February 9, 2003
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A karate chop, usually to the back of the head.
I wanted to get into the show so I james bonded the bouncer.
by Jonrad September 11, 2005
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A british secret service agent that acquires mad ass and kills lots of things all the while keeping his cool.
James Bond in Ian Flemmings "From Russia With Love"
by Unknown December 3, 2003
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In English: The super handsome spy of MI6 who has a license to kill

In Indonesian: JAga MESjid ama keBOND
Have you watched Goldfinger?
What is it?
The best James Bond Movie EVER!

Hey! The Mosque is not guarded
Call the James Bond!
by LookAtThisGraph August 22, 2017
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Fictional British secret agent created by writer Ian Fleming in the 1950s. In 1962 the first Bond movie, Dr. No, was released. As of 2004 there have been 20 Bond movies (even more than that if you count the "unofficial" Bond movies like Casino Royale and Never Say Never Again) released, with even more in production. Bond is known all over the world for using cool gadgets, driving fast cars, romancing beautiful women, and drinking vodka martinis (shaken, not stirred). Women want him, and men want to be him.
by Deej July 20, 2004
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