Jaco is a a guy who just wants to play his game but his internet is not given.
Example: Hi my Jaco, I am very- - -

:internet connection lost:
by Hilokal Library of KR December 26, 2022
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A cool massive dick goat that pulls any girl he wants and is usually friends with a not so cool copy of him usage named angus
Jaco why do you hang out with lovers?
by Nigga allen November 24, 2021
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talks about jojo too much. is Italian so he makes good food. like the fun uncle minus the fun part.
Jaco: jojo
by 11871 October 12, 2020
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Such a black person and he has a huge cock.
Most people calls his dick a megalodon.
Girl: ‘wow that guy must has a masive cock!’
Girl 2: ‘yeah, that’s Jaco, he banged me last night and my sister.’
by Prins Trent November 23, 2021
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