The guy in the hot tub that, like the Hot Tub Meerkat, can't quite commit to sitting all the way down but, damnit, they are trying, resulting in an act that resembles the Japanese Snow Monkey.
I was heading to the hot tub when i spotted the Hot Tub Snow Monkey and decided it was too fucking weird, I think i'll hit the sauna.
by John Wesley February 9, 2008
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A sensual gang bang in high temperatures. The gang that is banging is made up of monkies and ninjas. Mostly the act of hot ninja tantric monkey sex involves a close relationship with a penis and an anus...mostly.
"My boyfriend and i do the nasty approx. 23 times a day. and its more like hot ninja tantric monkey sex."
by Shaniqua Wellsfargo January 17, 2008
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To throw up a little in your mouth and then swallow it. Sometimes it does not come all the way into your mouth but stays in the back of the throat.

The impulse to hurl, (but held back), resulting in approximately 1-2 teaspoons of vomit juice, quickly swallowed.

It is not, however, the pre-vomit that comes in the first hurls before full on vomit sessions brought on by sickness or over-alcohol consumption.
If I see that zit-cratered, pus-filled whitehead covered face, I'm gonna hot monkey.

"Dude, I went down on my girl last night and she was on the rag"
"Fuck, you just made me hot monkey."
by thedoolaaa April 30, 2019
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when you take a bite of somthing and go "ho ho ha ha"
mmm that pizza looks great i'll take a piece... hoho haha that's monkey hot!
by fearlessflasher April 4, 2012
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