a pleasureful kiss leavin a dark mark on the skin.
yo! anthony gave kaidie a huge ass hickey on the bus ride to Dorney Park!
by Kaidie July 31, 2004
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A mark left on the neck due to sucking
my kiss left a hickey
by Ahmad March 22, 2003
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1.Getting into a fight with the vacuumm and the dam thing grabbing you by the neck, thus leaving a big mark on there.

2. also what losers use to leave a hickey mark on their necks cuz they caint get no real girls, pussies!!
1. dam me n the vacumm got into it the other night n the bitch left me a hickey

Loser:wat up group
Me n My guys:wtf is up with da hickey/mark on ur neck?
Loser: yea u know me and my.....
Me n my guys: shut the fuck up ya fag, u kno u caint get no pussy so u had the vacuum do that to u. wow
by James979 January 1, 2009
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Will leave a red mark but probably just his hair. Likely to fuck up and come across him while drunk. Can try and make him disappear with more alcohol but will be back for kick ons.
“Is that Hickey again?”
“Yeah fucked up more than last time”
by ppxx September 19, 2018
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it means luv bites usuali on ur neck or wereva ur bf sucks u
oh my days! did u c chantelles hickeys yestaday? dey woz coverin al her neck!
by mizzbufftings September 18, 2004
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A bruise caused by sucking/biting of the neck, chest, etc. The easiest way to get it off is to use a hairbrush, people! I've never had a hickey, but my sister has and the hairbrush works, trust me. It will look red for a little while, but when the redness is gone, NO HICKEY. Hope this helps. ;)
by Aishatalo December 14, 2011
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