A passe term used to refer to a feeling of being 'freaked out'.
The thought of George Bush being president of America gives me the heebie jeebies.
by Stuart October 12, 2003
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sensation felt after viewing or thinking about something particularly creepy or unsettling
joe- dude, whats up with this new chick
dan- i dont know man, but her stretch marks and jello belly are giving me the heebie jeebies

rick- remember when we saw that used condom in the chili at school?
juniper- yeah man, just thinking about that shit gives me a major case of the heebie jeebies
by griffman234 January 28, 2010
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An audible shuddering of the voice elicited when frightened or surprised. First the shoulders and head shake and then a certain sound is involuntarily elicited. This condition can be heredetary as in "the hee bee gee bee gene"."
by Robin November 16, 2003
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of Irish origin
Feelings of overwhelming and often irrational anxiety, dread or guilt the morning after drinking a large quantity of hard liquer, esp. Gin.
Person: "F*****ck... what did I do last night?! All my friends must hate me and think I'm such a pikey because I'm always stealing their cigarettes/borrowing money so I can drink more Gin"
Friend: "Don't worry no one cares, we're all friends, you've just got the heebie jeebies"
by pixies89 March 25, 2006
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When something is gross

Created by Milly James
That gives me the heeby jeebies when Kieran Hands shows me his finger
by Milly R J June 7, 2017
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The word of the tingling sensation you get when you are feeling horny.
Paul: DUDE! That girl is giving me the heeby jeebys.
Sonic: Same dude.
by PikaPaul21 May 6, 2021
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