An immensely biased "journalist" on Fox News's Hannity and Colmes. He supports and believes anything the RNC tells him too, and can find a way to place the blame of any world problem of the past 500 years on either Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, or howard Dean.
synonyms of Sean Hannity: crazy, piece of shit, liar, ann coulter's bitch, republican cheerleader

also goes by lucifer

can be seen given george bush or ann coulter a hand job outside fox news headquarters in new york or in the oval office in D.C.
by Taquan Dean July 15, 2006
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noun or verb: The act of inserting your fist in a strangers rectum then licking your fist.
Cheney gave Bush a sean hannity.
by sergio anti-christ superstar August 27, 2008
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A Fox News Channel show, shown at 9PM, that is obstensibly a left/right debate on the news of the day between righty Sean Hannity and lefty Allen Colmes. However, this show is really about sex, because Hannity is such a giant prick and Colmes is such a big pussy.
Did you see Hannity and Colmes last night, Sean screwed Allen over unmercifully last night.
by bullrider August 6, 2008
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another word for "fisting". "Rough trade" parlence for inserting a fist into a strangers rectum.
After he performed a sean hannity on ann coulter, he used her face to wipe off the shit from his fist.
by sergio the comuper August 22, 2008
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Background. Sean Hannity is a presenter on the FOX news channel in the USA. He is defensive of all positions of the George Bush administration and at best mocking or straight out slanderous of views opposing said administration.
Example number two encapsulates his comments when interviewing the CEO of Verichip corporation.

1) A person who refuses to look at evidence.
2) A person involved in corruption at the political level.
3) A person who will go to any lengths to silence an opponent.
4) A person who posts Urban Dictionary entries portraying the man Sean Hannity as a person who endorses freedom.
1) He was talking with conviction about how kerosine melts steel, boy, he's a real Sean Hannity.
2) He was talking about how injecting people with microchips is a good thing, and that he would make money from it, what a Sean Hannity.
3) He called him a kook conspiracy nut for voicing his opinion, what is wrong with these Sean Hannitys.
4) There was this guy who posted an entry about Sean Hannity portraying him as promoting freedom. He really is Sean Hannity.
by fuckthenewworldorder July 14, 2006
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N. Inserting a fist into a stranger's rectum then wiping it off on a third party's face.
If the person then licks the face of the third party, then that is a
ann culter hannity.
He gave his constituent a sean hannity then wiped the feces of Ann Coulter's face.
by sergio-the-comeuppance August 26, 2008
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to be led astray. to be bamboozled.
Sean Hannity is warming up in the bullpen for when Rush keels over.

Sexual predators use lots of sean hannity on their prey.
by anonymous March 4, 2005
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