The area between your scrotum and your anus; that does not feature testicles.
Kayla pull up my balls and lick my gyro.
by Bukkakegod October 27, 2002
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One of the best characters from Hirohiko Araki’s Steel Ball Run: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 and also the best Zeppeli
Gyro Zeppeli is better than the rest due to him in Steel Ball Run
by Papamista July 10, 2019
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The aftermath of a night of moderate drinking, then deciding it is necessary to eat a gyro in order to drive home safely… which has the effect of tasting that for the next ½ of a day after you wake up, whether slightly still drunk, hungover, or stone sober.
guy 1: i'll have a water.

guy 2: i'll have a PBR.

guy 1: dude, its 10am!

guy 2: sorry bro, got the gyro effect from last night. need to get the lamb and a nasty chick taste out of my mouth.

by milkacow July 11, 2008
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It’s part of the legendary phrase used by Johnny Joestar, to kill the 23rd President in Steel Ball Run.
Tusk: CHUMIMIIIN!!! *rips open love train* ORAORAORAORAORAORAORA-
Johnny Joestar: hontoni, hontoni, nande dore ma no ichi... Arigato... Gyro.
*valentine fucking dies*
by jojofan11 August 10, 2021
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A Greek kebab consumed whilst extremely drunk to prevent a hangover or other ugly consequences
I'm absolutely fucked I'm going for a safety gyros
by tbarty June 12, 2021
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A form of motion controls in videogames where you turn your controller to aim, to help with precision and speed. Games which use it usually use the right stick for broader movements.

It can be used in pc, some games on switch, and a small amount of games on ps4/5.
Gyro aim helped me become better at this shooter
by NicoCharrua January 6, 2021
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