someone who doesn’t take a joke
she’s such a gremlin
by gremlinhater February 26, 2021
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A Gremlin is a woman who a man likes to fuck but doesn't want to go out past dark to eat with......because shes a beast to look at or emotionally unstable.
Dude I was balls deep in Nicole this afternoon, but I had to bail befor the sun went down....shes a total gremlin yo......
by Melvin MILF September 6, 2011
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used to describe a person creeping, or just being weird.
"bhahahahha your such a gremlin ! "
by Hannah563634673467 January 9, 2008
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A small ginger creature, usually found in a darkened room eating ham sandwiches. She sleeps for most of her life and only wakes to scuttle to the kitchen to make a sandwich. Gremlins can be located in the London area and on a quiet night you can here the high pitch cackle when she is amused. By all means stay out of Gremlins way in the mornings.
AKA Hey Yasmin is such a massive gremlin, it's 4.30 and she isn't out of bed yet. And she hasn't washed for a week. Ewwwwwwwwwww. Is that a ham sandwich I spy?
by gremlincatcher December 14, 2011
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Making weird or distractive noices revolving around food.
Being generally weird and always hungry and wanting foods such as chocolate or spaghetti bolognese!
omg you are such a gremlin! don't do the gremlin noise!
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Gremlin - (noun)
1. A malfunction or cause of error, blamed on a mischievous gnome.

gremlin - (proper noun)
1. Those scary ass guys from the movie 'Gremlins'. They are about 1ft in height. If they get wet, more gremlins emerge from their back. If they are feed after midnight, they turn evil. The most famous gremlin is Gizmo. They look a lot like furbys.
1. My airplane crashed, must have been those gremlins.
2. Gizmo is the cutest gremlin I have ever seen
by Sheepz June 10, 2003
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Putting your forearms flat against you thighs bending over and running around at people you don't know with your tongue sticking out.
by Toiletpaper Sue March 16, 2005
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