An orgasm that gets very messy with body fluids shooting out all over.
They were enjoying sex when suddenly Mary had a goregasm that shot wet stuff out all over the place and got the entire bed gooey and wet.
by AnnieBanani August 4, 2009
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The sound you make when you see a tremendous amount of blood.
''I played this videogame yesterday and it had so many blood that it gave me a goregasm.''
by Somedumbkid June 6, 2014
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When Grace Gore has an Orgasm. Or when you become so sexually aroused that you Oregasm. But its beyond an Oregasm, it's a Goregasm.
Ex. 1 - Dude Taco Bell gave me the biggest Goregasm ever dude!!!

Ex. 2 - Dude that head from your sister gave me a Goregasm!

Glad i don't have a sister^^ xD
by 420TB420 December 13, 2010
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When you’re satisfied with the amount of Gore in a movie or video game.
Madz: I just had a goregasm
Everyone Else: WTF
by Judgino November 16, 2018
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