by pianoislife November 18, 2010
Kids, there's nothing more cool than being hugged by someone you like, but if someone tries to touch you in a place or a way that makes you feel uncomfortable........
That's no good! It's your body! No one has the right to touch you if you don't want them to! So what do you do? First, you say no. Then, you get out of it! Most important, you gotta tell someone you trust, like your parents, your teacher, a police officer!
by ricks50 September 9, 2020
One of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. A visible attribute of a true Christian life as found in Galatians 5:22-23.
The state or quality of being good. Moral excellence; virtue.
The state or quality of being good. Moral excellence; virtue.
by LoveLight November 11, 2012
by layton April 26, 2013
A filler for a conversation used to show response to a person's story with some interest. A listener may like the person, but this response is Often given in response to a subject that is complex and/or the person listening does not know a lot about such as a story. Used in place when listener does not want to look ignorant or does not know about subject to make an depth analysis.
Father; I just fixed the lawnmower. It had a special motor and I replaced the value along with the spark plugs. I went to the store and check the appropriate department and they had it on sale. I am looking to get some special fuel. It should work great
Son; That's good dad.
Father; I just fixed the lawnmower. It had a special motor and I replaced the value along with the spark plugs. I went to the store and check the appropriate department and they had it on sale. I am looking to get some special fuel. It should work great
Son; That's good dad.
by Wolfie_56 March 29, 2020