Similar to "dummy text", "text filler" or "greeking". Gack is anything used in a design as a temporary place holder before being replaced by an actual design element. For instance, filling columns of text with "Lorem ipsum dolor...", or using a textured box where an image or other design element might go in a layout.

Gack can also mean something in an image or design which serves a technical purpose that is intended to be removed in the final product, such as tracking dots on a plain wall being filmed, or a wire harness on an actor that needs to be painted out.
"We need the actual text so we can replace the gack in the layout before sending it to print."

"The VFX Artist will have to paint out all this gack that is in the shot before it can be used".
by Andy Somers December 15, 2018
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"taken from", used to credit the source of material copied from one internet site to another, primarily used in blogs
"I gacked this meme from <maddog>"
by sheherazahde January 5, 2006
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To borrow or steal internet content from another user.
I gacked this meme from lamebrain426.
by florimell August 9, 2003
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a person that has just finished smoking cristal meth
by Anonymous April 3, 2003
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How one might describe themselves while under the influence of methamphetamine.
Granny is inside gacked out on that tweak.
by Themethking September 25, 2018
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Billy whacked his gack in class the other day, and I could never see him the same way again.
by El ritardo June 24, 2018
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The first retching sound a cat makes when it hacks up a hairball.
I heard Morris gack after giving himself a tongue bath.
by the_great_waldo October 22, 2009
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