the ones who get harassed in high school by the upperclassmen. This harassment will cause the freshmen to in turn bully the freshmen when they become sophomores/juniors/seniors as if they think the newcomers are their previous aggressors reincarnated, and it is their karmic duty to treat them poorly. This leads to cocky freshmen who get up in upperclassmens' grillz about not messing with them and get a sound, deserved ass-kicking. They treat the newcomers even worse in following years, and so on.
I tried to be nice to the freshmans my first week of 10th grade, but then I thought, "fuck it, it's my karmic duty to kick their asses"
by mat_el_sexy_band_geek March 26, 2008
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A first year student in high school who is often disrespected and or hated for the fact that they are freshman. Some freshmans are stupid and need to learn to respect the upper classmen while other need to be respected by the upper classmen.
The freshmen girls are considered new meat by the older guys (juniors mostly) and are often seen talking to or dating juniors. This causes the older girls to hate them because their guys are to busy with the freshman to pay any attention to them. And those junior girls lost all the juniors from there freshman year.
The freshman guys get mad at the girls in there grade for leaving the to talk to juniors except for a select few that have found a way to balance them both. Most of the time the guys can not wait for their junior year to show the girls exactly how if felt.
Most freshman are stereo typed and need to be given a change. It is really stupid to be a junior or senior and spend your time gossiping and hating the freshman. You need to grow up.
kid 1:he freshman this year are looking fine.
kid 2: DudeI know I cant wait to show the girls how it felt.
by FairyPrincess<3 April 17, 2009
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Mostly known as the new kids on the campus.

Freshman girls: Usually try to act either really stuck up to other freshman -even though their all the same- or, their pretty chill and are down to earth.

Freshman guys: Sports are one of thier top priorities, right next to "girls". Some will turn into jocks and etc. , and others will be crushed by their first year of highschool expirence that might have totally sucked.

Any way you take it; freshman range from people that you actually dont mind sharing the school with to annoying little whores and wanna-be football stars.
freshman during lunch
HOLLISTER PREP- "godd why the hell are thoose girls staring at us like that"
HOLLISTER PREP 2-" like idk; just give them a dirty look"

BROHOE- "haha wtf is up with thoose chicks faces"
BROHOE2- "ha i don't know, its funny how they think everyone is staring at them though"
by river hoe. March 26, 2009
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A student in their first year of high school or college. In high school, freshmen are typically afraid on their first day, and throughout the first week, always get lost. I'm currently a freshman, and I got lost many times, but it really didn't take me that long to get used to the school. A freshman's worst enemy is the senior. Mostly, seniors are out to make fun of, prank, bully, or even 'own' a freshman, by making claims on one. At my school, most seniors and other upperclassmen are pretty respectful to us freshmen, thankfully. Some freshmen, like myself, hold great respect for our older peers, but I don't really see the point of bullying freshmen. Weren't they freshmen once, or were they born a senior/junior? What I hate even more are the sophomores who make fun of us. They were a freshman three months earlier, lol. Well, so anyway, most freshmen think they're all cool owning the middle school the year before, then reality hits when they go to high school the first day. But for me and many others, we are humble and mostly quiet, and rarely speak around the upperclassmen, and stay as respectful as possible- earning their respect is essential to high school survival. Freshmen should only talk when needed, and don't start a conversation with an upperclassman unless they're talked to first, because you never want to annoy one.
Example 1 (Freshman's Stupidity):

Freshman: "The first day of school. I'm gonna go say hi to the seniors."
*to seniors*: "Hi, friends!"
*freshman thrown in dumpster*

Example 2 (Freshman's Respect):
Senior: "Yo, you a freshman"
Freshman: *respectfully nods*
Senior: *notices this freshman is not outspoken and respectful* "Cool"
by thegreatbeanieman November 21, 2010
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really skinny people that will, within the year, gain 20 pounds, lose their morals, and drink way too much
i have never seen so many skinny girls on campus....oh it's rush week....they are all the freshman
by someone September 29, 2004
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the status that every sophomore, junior, or senior must start out with
The next time you see someone harass a freshman, remind the offender that he too was once a freshman.
by Mike the Ekim April 19, 2005
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Usually a 9th grader in High School. Is scared out of their mind when they first come there.
Most of them boys are immature drinkers who are all into the "hot chicks".
The girls...try to be cool.
Some come to mind as more mature.
The freshman year, I think, does mature people.
(This happened to me, considering I don't look like one)

Him: YOU'RE a freshman??!!
Me: Mhm, yes.
Him: I have absolutely no respect for you anymore.
It is sad.
by April 17, 2006
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