the strongest most sexy man you will ever meet and will fall in love with weather you are a man or not
the guy must be named fisher because he is really sexy and now i am in love and want his dick in my ass
by carson is the best June 13, 2017
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That tool of a guy who asks if you're doing something, but he never follows through with a date. He fishes to see if you're interested in him for an ego boost.
Girl 1: "John just asked if I'm free Friday or Saturday!"
Girl 2: "Oh, that's not going anywhere...He's a fisher."
by Kauâne December 9, 2013
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Someone who has more chromosomes than you or i, (the 21st one to be exact) and makes extremely random noises at extremely random times, for example his toung snap.
(His toung snap/click thing is approximately 1454.8 to the 15th power decibals)
Me: Hey, Fisher
Fisher: **SNAP**
Me: Dude, you've got an extra chromosome!!
Fisher: MEOW!!!
by Idont Havedowns January 29, 2005
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The art of burping and farting at the same time whilst riding a horse.
"I thought the drains had gone again but it turned out to be someone doing a Fisher."
by Horse. May 13, 2003
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A yeah FISHER is someone who plays on xbox (yeah cod) or (yeah i hate cod now its FIFA) all day. They are also known to think they are mesomorphs (muscly) and have even been seen eating fry ups in unhumanly short times!!! Also tends to sway and eat cathedral city cheese in 1 bite (used to be 2) but farrow doesnt like cheese.

If you see a yeah FISHER be sure to catch a photo, they are WANTED for bad things such as breaking paddling pools and sitting on you.
yeah fisher carol cod fifa fry up
by secretburger November 30, 2011
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Bullshit. when someone exclaims that what has just happened was bullshit.
i.e that goal you just scored on the computer was Fishered!
by darren_holtom August 13, 2006
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A game by which two contestants compete against each other to see who can upload the most urinal cakes into the other contestants anus.When each contestant is filled, each then consumes large amounts of Senecot laxatives. The first person to release all the cakes wins.
My ass is massive after that game of "Fisher"
by max April 13, 2005
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