Another word for libtard. Typically used by internet conservatives and Republicans (who get information from poorly sourced/low-factual accuracy outlets).
Timmy: California has gone *full retard*, according to Breitbart it is full of radical-leftists and Antifa.
Bob: Whatever you say, Timmy.
by Jorolb December 6, 2020
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Become a California Democrat. Or a liberal judge that strips citizens of their constitutional rights like the second amendment. Or antifa thugs that suppress freedom of speech through violence or terrorism. Full retard.
I moved to California and went full retard and voted for Newsome, Biden, and other liberal losers
by Trump is awesome December 6, 2020
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The act of getting so drunk that you may well be mistaken for someone with learning dificulties or motor neurone disease.
by Phinton May 25, 2009
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Maxtard is a short version of a maximal retard, a retarded retard. Max-tard.

This word is depraved from the saying ''Full retard'' wich was mentioned in the movie ''Tropic Thunder'', where someone made a very stupid movie and a man gave him advice to never go full retard.

In short: Never go full retard..
Man1: ''You went full retard. Never go full retard.''

Guy1: ''Oh my god, did you see John totally act stupid when drunk and get hated by all the girls?''
Guy2: ''Yeah, he's so maxtarded, going full retard is always bad.''
Guy3: ''Maxtard (Full retard mode) is such a lame word, you guys.''
by Dan the Man NL August 17, 2009
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To party in such way that all future consequences are ignored.
First weekend before vacation, let's go full retard!
by Enno Heueman October 18, 2023
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