A great skate brand that makes really good quality clothes, especially their jeans and shoes. I'm not even that much into the skate scene, but I have a pair of element jeans and an element sweater.
The Element tree logo and their high quality make their apparel appeal to other fashion groups
by clothes guy August 9, 2007
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Some raiders fan who thinks jon gruden is good. Also thinks he is derek carr in hfl
Elemental the raiders suck bro
Nah we owning bro bro
by BIG CUCK October 21, 2020
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A human-like creature that can control a certain element of matter. (Earth, Air, Water, Fire)
Snow ladies are considered elementals
by ace122 March 6, 2014
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1. Really lite skateboards.
2. Gay SUV. Looks like a box on wheels.
1. Damm these element fiberlites sure as hell r lite.
2. Woa check out that nerd mobile.
by cartman5000 July 26, 2004
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ugly car and a box on wheels. looks a great deal like a toaster
me: dude, i gotta take my element to the shop
john: why, did the bread in your toaster get moldy?
by fsniaofsauiofsaio January 8, 2007
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An absolutely rubbish/pants bar in the town of Witham, Essex, England.

Used to be a pub where people were constantly getting stabbed/bottled, but was bought out, fitted with curtains (most of them on the ceilings where there are no windows) and sofas, and now you can't get in without shoes on. Knives are still allowed... As long as they are not wearing any sportswear.

Also, dressing like a complete scab is still allowed, as long as you are wearing shoes. Spliffy jeans and Naff jackets are commonly seen at the bar.

Full of weird people from surrounding towns, who are probably too scummy or unpopular to go out in their own towns.
"Alright bruv, fancy not going to the George tonight and going out for a proper night - in elements, where we can pay twice as much for a drink as we do in any other pub within a 1 mile radius?"

"Yea ok cuz, let's take my sister's penknife and stab everyone up"
by Percy Poppadom November 9, 2007
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The true form of element isnt the stuff in the periodic table. Element is the form of matter when fused with some sort of energy. Most powerful when fused with ultima
Is that an element?
by uLtImAeLeMeNt February 26, 2003
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