a myth about a young man named jimmy who one day became so famished that he ate the world....there is a half decent band who named themselves after this legendary myth.
"(jimmy) shit im hungry, i think i'll eat the world"
by guitarded March 18, 2005
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A great punk/emo rock band from Arizona. They have multiple albums but their breakthrough song was "The Middle" from the formerly titled "Bleed American" album, now self-titled. Their latest cd is "Futures".
Did you get the new Jimmy Eat World album? "23" kicks ass.
by melsocoolfan June 14, 2005
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Really cute music made by really ghastly dudes.
I want to have sex these guys because the music is so good, but alas, they suffer from Jimmy Eat World Syndrome.
by Big Boobs April 20, 2005
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- I just can't believe I lost my fortune because some dumbass invented something better and took all my clients.
- What did you expect, it's a dog-eat-dog world.
by notspecialsnowflake September 7, 2017
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When something only bad happens to someone/something and there is nothing they could have done to stop/prevent it.
Coined by Mark Fogarty(freind of Osama Bin Laden)
"did you hear about the school shooting?"
"yeah its a real dog-eat-kitten-world out there"
by fishdog seed March 19, 2023
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Orally pleasing the sex organ (penis or vagina) and the anus.
Bro, i eat world! Started kissing, then suckling her nipples, she pushed my head down to her pussy, and after eating that i finished sucking ass.
by RedRumer January 4, 2020
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