A guy that says he'll be there forever and that he'll always love you. But will leave you at the first mistake and they betray you.
by mary loau February 25, 2010
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Draven is a super awesome person who is great at art. He will always make you smile and make sure you are okay. He’s a great friend and an even better boyfriend. He’s short but his personality is through the roof. You should be glad if you know a Draven.
wow look at Draven! He's short but hot af!
by somebodyonurbanrandom December 22, 2021
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a lying, pathetic, cowardly cheater who puts on a façade of being a good person but just underneath is a stone heart and a rotting soul.
Person 1: "What happened with you and Draven?"
Person 2: "Oh, he cheated on me."
Person 1: "Jesus, what a Draven."
by Paralyzingagony November 14, 2021
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A person who never goes too school and plays fortnite all day he is the best Fortnite player and he is very cool
Draven is very cool
by I am very coolness February 4, 2019
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(1): to have an offensive odor or scent (2): to have a characteristic bad stench or atmosphere (3): to be of bad or questionable quality (4): deficient in order of neatness <Draven individuals> <Draven hotel rooms> (5): not combed <Draven hair> (6):
You look all Draven today
by ZZZZzzzzz...... October 23, 2003
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Draven is your best friends boyfriend. Who stole your best friend😔
P1: OMG is that Jenna with Draven?!
P1: wait. where’s her best friend?
P2: oh. I heard Jenna stoped talking to Olivia!

P2: didn’t you hear?
by LonelySim123 November 7, 2019
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Dravens father has a large penis
Damn is that draven dad? Better ditch draven for a real man
by Negroking18 October 5, 2017
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