Someone who exceeds all other douche bags and dumb fucks. They play music on yahoo chat to "punish" other chatters even though they can easily ignore them. They attempt to be smart but fail every single fucking time.

They come in under multiple screen names and accidentally post the wrong thing under one screen name...then correct themselves, therefore giving both names away to the entire room. They usually have no teeth and have the mental capacity of a hamster on crack. No one likes them but in the voices tell them they are awesome.
Rick aka potluck aka nonyabiz aka i am karma aka dumbfuck who needs to fall in a hole

Rick is playing music on 6 different screen names, trying to make people tell him the definition of polyamorous (in order to appear smart) and losing a couple teeth all at the same time, hence being a douche canoe.
by Mi2chatter October 31, 2010
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Double the douchieness of a regular douche. Usually just does douchey things like being a douche. You will be a douche canoe if you have tribal tattoos or gel your hair, also if you're just a dick to people.
Jimmy is such a douche canoe.
Look at that guys tribal tattoo what a douche canoe.
Why is his profile picture of a baby, what a douche canoe.
by summercandy March 24, 2011
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An individual acting in such a way, their presence is equivalent to being in a canoe in a lake full of used douche water.
"What happened to your car bro?"
"Some douche canoe keyed it last night"
by Mahatma Luther King Jr. January 10, 2015
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Being such a douchebag that no one can stand to be around you.
I cannot stand another week playing beer pong with that Douche Canoe Andrew.
by Pizza head July 22, 2015
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Someone who is such a jerk that they deserve to drown in a canoe.
Person: My Ex cheated on me with three other women and then had the nerve to say that I was the problem.

Person 2: Damn, He seems like a douche canoe!
by Senpaiwaifu July 9, 2019
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Bigger than a douche bag. So big infact that you need your own lake and paddle!!!
Kevin was so stupid that he was upgraded to a douche canoe.
by phenix_247 September 9, 2009
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