A slang term for the word fuck. Can be used to replace the word fuck in everyday conversation

Originated in an Australian Information Systems class. Came about when one of the Dell computers was so rooted that it could only be classed fucked or had been fucked. Then many other Dell computers followed in this path.

Dell's are also usually serviced by a techy named Dick. Hence making them much more delled than they were in the first place.
"This computer is Delled"

Man 1: "Yo is that marsh being a dickhead?"
Man 3: "Nah he's being worse, hes being a dellhead"

by Dicky D June 10, 2008
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Worst computers ever made. Like...for only $1000 you can get a computer that costs like $150
by [38]RyanN September 12, 2003
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A dud computer or something that doesn't work.
Ma computer just broke, I'm so pissed off! - ney wonder mon, it's a dell!
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A word which can be used as a synonym for an act of violence, although in most cases, it refers to the act of hitting someone hard. Very commonly used as slang in boys house's common rooms. In the singular the word is simply "dell".
-"Right, you are yelling for a delling!!"

-"Im gonna have to dish out some dellings"

-"Sorry but I'm gonna have to dell you"
by Cap'n Spank July 5, 2019
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1slow,can't understand the techies
2ripoff about %50 of the time
3got a printer for free and it literally fell apart in about a week
5they INSTALL TONS OF SHIT YOU DON'T WANT on the comp (including windows)
6aside that they don't give you a fucking windows disk to begin with
"the company isn't neccecarily bad, they do have good deals some of the time (free 19" monitor woo)
though people who worship dell should have their head bashed in w/a motherboard containing more than 1 ide port."
by caljoun June 21, 2005
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The Ford of computers.
Dell computers are sold very cheap, but you get exactly what you pay for.
by Fuckitall June 30, 2006
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The word once known only for a semi-reliable computer company is now also used as a synonym for marijuana.

When Steven was arrested for posession of Marijuana, the term "dell" was instantly coined as a new term for marijuana.
Man 1: Dude, let's go smoke some dell.
Man 2: word.
by bor August 24, 2003
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