The art of responding to an email blaming everyone else or everything else for your late reply. The later the reply, the more quotes, bolds, underlines, and font changes required to fool people into thinking you are real busy and know everything.
"Wow, look at the deckeration in this email!
Six different fonts, two bolded words and even 12 different colors!"
by Houie Packhard January 29, 2009
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the act of deficating in the upper tank of ones toilet leaving a foul stench undiscovered with the remnants of muddy water
before i got kicked out of that bar last night i gave them the upper decker
by face vol.4 May 24, 2009
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to “Theo Decker” is to be in deep denial about your gayness. This is often when somebody suffers with deep rooted internalized homophobia and compulsory heterosexuality. A “Theo Decker” might even be in love with somebody of the same sex without admitting it to themselves.
Theo Decker was a repressed homosexual in love with his best friend

“That guy’s a total Theo Decker!”
by broadwaybyler December 16, 2018
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Step 1) Make sure nobody's around.

Step 2) Quietly open the lid of the upper-section of the victim's toilet.

Step 3) Quietly place the lid down on the floor.

Step 4) Then take a nice shit in the upper-section of the toilet without letting anybody hear you.

Step 5) Wipe your ass.

Step 6) Place the soiled toilet paper in the upper-section of the toilet or in a drawer or magazine.

Step 7) Slowly lift the lid off the floor with your fingers under it and carefully bring it over to the toilet.

Step 8) Here's the hard part; with your fingers under the lid
slowly place the lid on the toilet. No false moves or you're screwed.

Step 9) Leave and don't let anybody see you. Just bail as quickly as possible.

Step 10) Mission accomplished.
Plumber: It looks like you have feces in your toilet's tank.

Victim: It must have been an upper decker.

Plumber: Yeah right. Its already clear that you're stupid enough to shit in there!
by Mike_Litoris June 27, 2011
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Jonny decker is a British hero and homeless man who will dance for 1 quid he has been sighted in wallsend and Whitley bay if you see Jonny decker please give him 1 quid
by Gangrene deep October 1, 2020
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Is the atrocious, heinous, vile, wicked algebraII teacher of Northmont High School. She does not know how to teach and dosn't believe in laughter. She is hated by all who crosses her and gets 5 to 10 death threats a day. She is a foul beast of a woman and needs to go far, far away where no one will have to see her stupid booger eating face.
"Why is that teacher eating her boogers and licking her butt?"
- "She must be a Decker"
by Dragonkeeper34 May 21, 2009
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The act of taking a dump in the tank of a toilet.
Step 1: Quietly sneak into the bathroom unseen
Step 2: Carefully remove the top of the tank. Note the porcelain tank top is very delicate and will shatter if dropped

Step 3: Climb on the toilet, drop pants and sit on the tank. Imagine you are a bird sat uptop your nest, sit very softly or else the tank may break and the operation will be compromised

Step 4: Take a monster shit. I'm talkin like a goddamn mudslide out your asshole

Step 5: Whipe and throw the tp in the tank too for good measure and put the top back on

Step 6: Return to the party and act like nothing ever happened, if you leave right away you will draw suspicion to yourself
Step 7: Enjoy the host's reaction when they see that Mount Vesuvius just exploded in their toilet tank
Friend: Yo did you hear, Julia is having a party this Saturday
Me: I dislike her very much, I'm gonna drop an Upper Decker at that party
by bowelsmovin June 25, 2017
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