A band that is absolutely amazing.
They were formed in Bellingham, Washington in 1997.

If you ever call them emo, you automatically deserve to get punched in the face. They are emotional but so much deeper than emo. Some call them indie-pop but they can't be completely classified.

Although their latest album, Codes and Keys, is not as amazing as the others, it is still great.
In my opinion, their best CD is probably Transatlanticism. The songs have so much meaning to them.

Honestly, if you ever thought your relationship was too unique or special to be summed up in a song, look to Death Cab, they've been there, done that.
Idiot: Hurr durr, Death Cab for Cutie is a dumb emo band! Hurr durr!
Me: They are n-
Idiot: Their songs actually make you think! How awful!
Me: That's a go-
Idiot: Listen to good stuff like Kesha!
Me: I'm done with this -punches idiot-
by whoooot1234 June 5, 2011
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An amazing indie-rock band. It originated in the 1990’s and is still going on to this day. They have tons of good, emo songs for all the people who still listen to that kind of music. They’re my favorite band and I would 100% recommend you listen to their music :)
Passenger seat by Death Cab for Cutie is my favorite song!
by dyslexicbitch May 24, 2021
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Kickass band (apparent by huge follwig of fans) that plays 'emo.' Whatever that means, im not sure. Emo seems to be a hugely wide classification.

You can judge the lyrics of your own:
"the new year"
so everybody put your best suit or dress on
let's make believe that we are wealthy for just this once
lighting firecrackers off on the front lawn
as thirty dialogues bleed into one

i wish the world was flat like the old days
then i could travel just by folding a map
no more airplanes, or speedtrains, or freeways
there'd be no distance that can hold us back.

personally, i like nerdy their little intros:
the glove compartment isn't accurately named
and everybody knows it.
so i'm proposing a swift orderly change.

cause behind its door there's nothing to keep my fingers warm
and all i find are souvenirs from better times
before the gleam of your taillights fading east
to find yourself a better life.
Im tough, i listen to slipknot. DCFC sucks, they are pussies. Since Ben Gibbard has a beautiful... i mean wussy voice, i can kick his ass, so I am cooler.
Im really inscure about my self image, all songs must be about murder.

Actually, im a giant pussy, and i cant listen to "the new year" without crying, so i listen to shallow death metal shit.
by pirate March 27, 2005
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A band of non-talents,a group of middle-class well-off kids, one of which I knew in high school ( NICK HARMER ) ROGERS HIGH in PUYALLUP... who find imperfections in there life and create a ridiculous, depressing melodrama around each one. Alternative rock on estrogen, wallowing in their imaginary quagmire of torment. Listening to this genre' of music is not recomended, as it clearly gets its influence from the gimlet-eyed quintet of queers shown on Bravo... ( Queer eye for the straight guy )take warning, as this form of music needs to be banned, as it is a direct cause of todays metrosexual pandemic.
an example huh... an example such as when I tought you how to play Sunday Bloody Sunday NICK? I expected more from the schools validictorian NICK.... Death Cab For Cutie is crap, just like every other band you've been part of i.e. THICK, HUSKER DU.
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(N) Vulgar, Obs. Lame ``Emo'' shit.

(ADJ) Obs. Attributing the qualities of being lame ``emo'' shit.
Let's go to the Death Cab For Cutie concert after I finish putting on my womens' jeans and cutting my wrists.
by Hern Shaffer September 14, 2006
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