When someone, lacking grammatical skill, is highly disappointed in their own actions.
"Oh crub! I forget to add picture to email for u."
by The Real Cootsie April 16, 2010
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The combination of a Cuddle and a Rub, often referred to as a sexual act.

To be crubbed
"Rub a dub dub, You're in for a Crub."

"Crubbed in your sleep? You're lucky to be touched at all, you ungreatful bastard"
by Garuness September 28, 2009
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A pretentious, MacBook using, Starbucks coffee drinking, blog writing, moustache wearing, poor music listening, weirdly dressed human being.
Haha, that dude is a total crub.
by shn&limes December 10, 2010
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A crack whore nub who will stop at nothing for xp, this includes but is not limited to snorting coke off cyber cock. A sexy nubletta who infact is such a zz pk that all you have to do is hold shift and the left button.
Me: rofflecakes, you are leik so ez it shuld be a krime ya hurd?!
Crub: OMG! how do you? Show!
Me: only 4 cyber. jk crub lololololololol.
<I Nk The Crub>
Crub: OMG y u nk?!
Me: OMG y u so zz?
Crub: I s/e.
Me: Kthnxbai
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Club. A word you use when your obsessive loving bf does not want you to club, or takes drastic measures to prevent you from clubbing or other social activities likewise.
Bf: Hey, where you going? ARE YOU GOING CLUBBING AGAIN?
you: Oh, I'm going crubbing with my friends.
Bf: Oh, okay.
by julziejulzie July 19, 2011
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passing out after doing drugs
"yea' man i went home and got crubbed. i woke up four hours later"
by m alle October 22, 2005
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Crub is a lifestyle , which primarily came from DUB , crub is a slower form of dub but with lower frequency bass , so less Beats per minute but more bass al round

"get your Crub on"

"That shit was Crub"

"turn that crub up fool"

"Dj spin that crub"

"That was crubbin"
by Psybliminal March 9, 2009
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