Confuzzled- so damn confused you became puzzled
Man what the hell are you sayin now I'm soo damn confuzzled!
by Booty Man July 12, 2003
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State of confusion and puzzlement. Can be shortened to confuzzed
'A': Hey dooood have you seen that new gynograplastic umentilizer kimertyohlingulizement counter??
'B': *Confuzzled*
by Mizzle December 14, 2004
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Another way to say confused, but much more awesome sounding. It can be said when you can't find any sense in something, or when you don't understand.
Teacher: Okay, so what's the answer to this problem? The equation is ax^2+bx+c divided by 2a.

Student: ... I be confuzzled.
by N@y April 7, 2011
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A combination of confusing/puzzling. Being confuzzled is extremely dangerous because it means you are so confused that your brain is beginning to overflow with confusion
Kid: Mom, im confuzzled
Mom: honey, i think you need to see a doctor
by Ncg13 April 16, 2017
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A word hybrid of “confused” and “puzzled” meant to be used in times of ignorance but not total blissful unawerness. Should never be used to describe others, only oneself.
This worksheet makes me extremely confuzzled.
by Bobthelobster March 16, 2022
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1. To be romantically confused and puzzled about a person of the opposite sex 2. To be very confused or puzzled about something (not just romantically) 3. Very confused and puzzled.
1. Sometimes he acts like he likes me, but sometimes he doesn't, which makes me confuzzled about him. 2.what is going on i'm so confuzzled 3. i confuzzle myself
by lj.nick January 3, 2006
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