A bum ass city in Ohio nobody knows about
I live in Columbus”
by February 12, 2021
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A college town in Ohio that likes to think it has the identity of a real city, where in reality it is a big collection of suburbs surrounding a giant university. While you'll never run out of low to medium end bars, the city substantially lacks anything else to do. Columbus is like a giant bee hive of low rent apartments occupied by government employees and recent OSU grads with shitty jobs. I'm not really sure that a young professional community exists in Columbus.
It's humorous how residents of Columbus always are quoting that they are the largest city in Ohio, when in reality the metro area is much smaller than both the true metropolitan areas in Ohio of Cincinnati and Cleveland.
by wise man 21 March 14, 2010
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A: Where do you live?
B: Columbus.
A: Oh nice, so you live in Ohio.
B: Nope.
A: But you said you live in Columbus.
B: Yah, Columbus, Nebraska
by AnieLynn4 April 27, 2021
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Some mediocre city in the hell hole known as Ohio.
Man! Columbus is so fucking boring.
by The cum zone. March 7, 2021
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A European explorer who was said to have discovered America, however it is been believed by researchers that others found it first. He also committed horrible acts like rape, murder, and slavery.
by Parcivalia May 20, 2021
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Columbus is a stupid school where stupid hoes go to. People who go to columbus are dumb and they are lax bros. If you go to Columbus you will 99.99% of the time like stupid sports like volleyball and cricket.
"Mateo pulled such a Columbus yesterday, he loves cricket.
by Colombus is stupid March 19, 2013
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