Colm is a messed up man. He’s a man from England or Irleand and he just going to go off the deep end. He never finds loves and has a drinking problem.
“Yo look at that colm over there at the bar
by Laddy boi December 31, 2019
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colm: the act of punching an old guy in the liver..RIGHT ON THE LIVER..!!
old lady: it's too late maybe tommorrow..

colm: mcmorrow?!im gonna punch u in the liver bitch!
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Possibly the most stoned man on the planet.

Used to be an Arma pro.
Holds the record for deepest V-neck in the world.
Hey colm dolan, that's a pretty deep V!
by sweatybumbums August 5, 2017
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Colm Fahey is verb used for someone who accidentally adopts all of his son’s strange and traumatized friends.
-Hey, who is that weird kid with cane in your yard?

- Oh that’s my son’s friend, he and four more lovable teenagers live with me now.
-Ah I see, you got Colm Fahey’d
by AlysVanEcksBabyGirl September 10, 2021
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1. One of two moderate Democrats on FOX news, the other being Gretta Van Sustren.
2. Hannity's biatch.
3. The Squirrely-est man alive.
1. "Hi this is Alan Colmes for Hannity & Colmes, let's see what the top headlines for "On the Record" With Gretta Van Sustren are tonight, probably something about Scott Peterson for the 359th day in a row"
2. Colmes- "Well I think--"
Hannity- "Shut the fuck up Colmes, I own this show"
3. Squirrel #1- "Man, I really love that Alan Colmes, he really shows how us Squirrels can become successes on T.V."
Squirrel #2- "Agreed"
by Flint Johnson December 12, 2004
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A Fox News Channel show, shown at 9PM, that is obstensibly a left/right debate on the news of the day between righty Sean Hannity and lefty Allen Colmes. However, this show is really about sex, because Hannity is such a giant prick and Colmes is such a big pussy.
Did you see Hannity and Colmes last night, Sean screwed Allen over unmercifully last night.
by bullrider August 6, 2008
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1. Democratic voice of the show Fox News Channel show Hannity & Colmes, who really isn't much of a voice. He sits there and just get pummeled by his little douchebag, prick conservative counterpart.

2. Nutless, lack of gonads, No ballz.
Wow! That girl is beautiful, but I'm too Alan Colmes'd to talk to her.
by Scandar March 30, 2006
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