a man or woman that has a true sweet spot for pursuing fat ass members of the opposite sex
dude 1, tommy smashed that chick from the bar, she had to be 220.

dude 2, yeah, hes a hoggin chubby chaser
by Captain997 December 4, 2007
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Did you see Quentin’s girlfriend? Man he’s a chubby chaser.
by Hank27 August 9, 2022
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A fat admirer; usually but not always a gay male one. Also, chubby-chaser.
"What's a FA?"
"I believe the more common term is 'chubby chaser.'"
by Qit May 8, 2005
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A gay term from long ago, still used today. A man whose interest is in other men that happen to be "chubby", or "heavy", or "stocky", or "bearish", or "soft", or "fat."
One chaser to another: "MMMMM.....look at that "chub" over there at the bar! He is gorgeous!"
by Todd Barkes January 8, 2004
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A person who prefers BBWs rather than skinny bitches to fuck.
Look at that chubby chaser talking to the fat chick at the bar
by Asd1233456 June 18, 2013
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an attractive person who is somehow attracted to fat people.
Claudia is so hot, why is she going after that fat guy? She must be a chubby chaser.
by tank 2134 April 19, 2005
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