A woman with a bad haircut that is parted in the center with wings of hair sticking up on the sides.
Look at that awful haircut, she looks like a water buffalo.
by Clare Schmare September 12, 2011
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A really fat ugly girl that one of your friends is dating and you don't want to refer to their girlfriend as a human.
Dude I think Joe is with water buffalo again.
by K Dub Sacs September 18, 2007
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secretive word with girls that means basically a fuckboy. a good for nothing bc he gets with every single female he can that comes his way.
"oh my goshhh here comes the biggest water buffalo ever" girl 1
"yessss he gets with every girl " girl 2
by perolike May 5, 2016
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A sexual poaition where one locks his/her arms under arm pits, then brings them(arms) up and clasps his/her hands behind his/her neck. Generally, the receiver is bent over in a standing doggy style fashion.
dude, I totally water buffaloed Maggie last night, almost broke her back.
by Scotty Doosh March 27, 2007
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that water buffalo hits cntrl alt del to start their computer
by ant September 14, 2004
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A phrase used to replace profanity.
A phrase used to describe an out of control situation.
A phrase used to describe the aftermath of an out-of-control situation.
What in the rampaging water buffaloes happened in this house while I was gone?
by Soskie November 19, 2019
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