Basically the backbone of the american lookout. We see them as the cool ones, and were just a bunch of jackasses! They can make anything sound cool like "Bananas in Pajamas." Smart and very funny people. (monty python)
Euro-Trip: Total stereotype of Brits. Yet, still funny in the way that the Brits are presented by swearing like scalliwags and drinking non-stop! Also very sporting for MANCHESTER UNITED THE GREATEST FOOTBALL TEAM EVER!!!!!!!!
by Jason Lovetto April 24, 2005
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People who for some reason hate Americans even though for the most part we don't really insult them or anything. They constantly bash Americans probably out of jealousy or because they all believe that we are gun-using, bush-supporting ignorant idiots (only half of us are). In reality they usually come off as the ignorant ones because rather than listen to people like myself they keep saying hateful things towards Americans. Gave us Christian Bale and The Office (thank you very much).
Americans: Why are British people so angry?
by Johnny D in MKE July 23, 2006
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human beings who claim to be people, but are british so they aren't.
british "people" always tell me they deserve human rights.
by i-hate-britain May 8, 2023
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A group of people with hilarious accents that mostly live on an island off the coast of the REAL Europe. Are notable for their hatred of Americans despite the fact that, unlike many other nations, they don't actually have a good reason for it. Their most meaningful contribution to the modern world is the video game reviewer Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.
British People: Wot wot, etc.
by Krish2 May 9, 2010
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Probably the most polite, sofisticated, calm, interesting people. Everyone says that they're a bunch of snobs but never judge a book by its cover! If you don't be a rude steroetype to them they won't to you. :) (this is coming from an American)
by */Stardragons/* January 6, 2018
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annoying people whose accents well annoy the hell out of any body, even australians, dont brush their teeth and think they were the reason hitler didnt take over the world ha!
Those british people douche bags breath makes me wanna through up ehhhhh
by sCAREbear69 January 21, 2009
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Someone who is a loser, hates americans (for a reason) and doesn't have lips
Robin: dood, jack was really acting like British "people" last night, idk if he summoned a demon or what, he lost his lips and started talking about brexit a lot, the worst part about it is he's lived in Mexico his whole life!
generic "people" name: dood r u high-
jack: ˙∆∫∂˜µ˚ ¬åµ˜∆˚˜≈∆˚˜∆˚˜…∆˚ƒ∆˚∫˜©ƒ
by shitdiapier_69 April 6, 2021
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