A medical condition caused by the brains inability to process a constant overload of dumb.

Characterized by chronic headaches and a general hatred for all things that defy reason.

Extremely common in any military service member with an IQs higher than that of most household pets, but effecting anyone with an inability to wrap their head around concepts completely devoid of sense and reason. Often being constantly forced to do thing that they can prove are wrong, or waste time without any foreseeable benefit, usually also leads to a constant wishing that humans would evolve to a point where unintelligent thoughts causes physical pain.
Oh my God! If Senior Chief doesn’t stop trying to find a reason to nit pick everything that we are doing, he is going to agrivate my Brain hurty syndrome! I think if you swapped his brain with a shiny rock his intelligence would more than double. He’s so stupid it should hurt!
by MCPO of Your Mom February 4, 2010
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Sermistics Brain Disengrative Syndrome (SBDS) is a disease that was removed from the DSM. A person with this disease will have extreme heat in the brain and within 2 weeks will develop blurry vision, deafness, blindness, and Intellectual Disability. Other common things a person may experience are, seizures, dizziness, vomiting, stroke. They may also have delusions, night terrors, severe insomnia, and Fish Oder Syndrome.

A person with this disease will die within 8 months.
My brother has the disease, Sermistics Brain Disengrative Syndrome.
by Faggot Disorder May 21, 2020
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The feeling that those silly Family Guy fans felt when Family Guy was brought back from cancellation in 2005.
I noticed he got the FG brain rush syndrome ever since it came back in 2005. He has never felt so great since 2002 when the show was in the old series.
by Seshie February 7, 2009
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A kids name vj which stands for Vincent junior. The creatures real name is Vincent's pass
Omg that kid vj is autistic cancer down syndrome brain damaged mental
by Yo mama ghhchvfdtdj March 11, 2018
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a literal idiot. so dumb to the point they have brain-dead syndrome.
gage: look at mason, he’s a fuckin idiot hanging out with his cocaine dealers. i wonder if he has brain-dead syndrome?

mason: smh 🤦 ♂️
by himynameismason January 31, 2021
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When a guy over reacts to a situation that is triggered by a female , loved one , family member. They will see’s red , they would become uncontrollable, no one is safe , jumps to conclusions ( creating scenarios that haven’t happened or potentially happened ) with or with out evidence. Could potentially lead to breaking stuff , showing up places unwarranted , major freaking out , lots of cursing , yelling , long detailed text , lots of voicemails . Essentially going off the deep end .
Gregg found out his girl was texting another guy . Gregg got dude brain syndrome and lost his mind and was creating scenarios in his head and freaking out about anything and everything on her.
by Antics23 March 31, 2023
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