A bunch of emo faggots that call themselves "scene" they're often seen at the macy's girls section buying jeans that are "HxC" and sizes too small and also can be seen at emo shows pretending to dance and hanging around meth addict girls
Did you hear about those faggots called beefcake?
by Kevin408 May 5, 2008
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A pretentious clan of idiotic teens and immature young adults who listen to the talentless music that is called hardcore.
They are arrogant and most are not friendly to others out side the "scene." Liked by few and feared by even less, the seem to think the are the shit.

"Dude I'm so br00t4l! Beefcake!"
by Cast March 6, 2008
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the art of clobbering your partner with your wang, continously smacking her across the face and dominating her with your dick. by the end of this she should have mushrooms all over her face.
"Geez alex why did you have to beefcake me? my face stings so much." EE
by Heavy FLow January 30, 2008
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Owning someone or something with excessive-ness
If this guy gets to close I'm gona BEEFCAKE him
by zer0face January 2, 2011
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a fat kid who plays video games for his time off,rathers video games then hanging out with friends,stays home in his mom's basement
a beefcake thinks they have muscle but are fat and wont admit it.
by beefcake565 April 27, 2008
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The lumps that form on your biceps when you flex.
Most often compared in a gay fashion. Or when under diress, a feeling to show off your BEEFCAKES may consume you until you are no more than a simple honkee.
"Hey Craig, you want to show off beefcakes and rub oil upon our perky buns while listening to the latest coldplay alBUM?"
"Certainly Randal!"
by gloria glovebox August 15, 2006
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