Beastie Boys is a drinking game where everybody stands in a circle, and somebody lays down a beat. The first person offers the first line of a rap, the second person continues, needing to rhyme with the last word of the first line. Here's the kicker: in Beastie Boys' style, everybody in the group has to guess what the last word of the line is going to be and also yell it out at the same time.

If you fuck up your rap, you drink. If less than half of the group guesses the word correctly, everybody drinks.

The goal is to get all the way around the circle. You start over with a new rhyme when somebody screws up.
This is an example of Beastie Boys:
"Here goes, we gonna try and RAP."
"That bitch was dancin' on my (everybody yells this) LAP"
by redsox868 December 8, 2007
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1. One of the last good rap bands.
2. Gay males who casually engage in sexual acts with animals.
1. The Beastie Boys song "Sabatoge" kicks ass.
2. Those damn beastie boys keep sucking dog cocks.
by john July 9, 2003
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One of the most influencial rap groups ever, along with Run DMC and Public Enimy. Sadly became hippies and disappeared
Mike D

Damn dirty hippies ruining america
by Beastieboy May 27, 2003
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Absolute traitors to Modern Rock Culture.
Only next in line to Linkin' Park
Rocker: So, your telling me your a Rocker...?
Poser: I mean--uh, yeah! See, I download a Linkin' Park song!
Rocker: That's really queer.
Poser: Um, well...I like the Beastie Boys!
Rocker: Now that is just REALLY queer
by Marcos1779 December 29, 2005
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a rap group with meiocre lyrics but very nice and catchy beats. they dont stay to the sterotypical hip hop of cash,ice,hoes, and cars but their lyrics arent great
the beastie boys are aight
by suckmebitch July 22, 2004
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A caucasian male, who is of the Jewish religion, that thinks that he is of african descent, thinks he associates with blacks, or thinks he is from the "hood".
1. Members of the "beastie boys" band
2. Jew-boys at STG
by G in a prep school May 12, 2006
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a white rap trio that helped popularize hip hop about 20 years ago. About all they got is juvenile, smug, frat-boy humor and immature attitude. Take all that away and you ain't got nothing. Even their first hit, the heavy metal "You've Gotta Fight For Your Right To Party" is stupid and pretty one-dimensional.
The Beastie Boys are three immature boneheads that were panned by the critics in 1987, but now the critics suck the Beasties' dicks like the Beasties tell them to in one of their songs.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice February 8, 2007
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