The feeling one gets when they believe the Christmas holiday came so suddenly
Person 1: dude Christmas is just around the corner!!
Person 2: what?! Are you serious?? Talk about Premature e-Santa-ation
by Alexander Bladez December 21, 2012
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Taking a vacation somewhere other than where you say you'll go, especially if you try to pass off the fake destination as real.
A YouTuber said she went to Bali, but she really took a fake-ation to Ikea.
by Fnordmeister February 26, 2020
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The property of being 'at' some event.
I was not 'at' the lecture today. I could not establish any ation.
by Steve Garber December 7, 2003
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When you wake up from a dream with a vision or idea so damn good, you wonder if you're still dreaming.
Bruh, I had this inspira-dream-ation last night and it told me how to make a ton of money. I told my girl when I woke up and she said it could happen. I had to check to make sure I wasn't still sleep or tripping.
by Justjookie7 September 23, 2021
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A word made by Jonathan mbazira that does actually have a definition it just depends on the certain environment your mental state is in
Shazon is a batty boy that doesn’t get the right angle-ation
by C fun ggchhvghhv May 9, 2022
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A southern dialect for the common word, registration.

(police officer) I see that you were speeding sir, may I please have your license and registration?

(speeder) I certainly do have a license dear officer, but as you can clearly see it was so goddam hot outside, that my regist-ER-ation caught fire while resting in the dashboard.
by C2A8Z November 30, 2010
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