Person: I am aroace, meaning I am both asexual and aromantic.
by Genderselkie September 25, 2022
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1. (sexual diversity) A person who is both aegoromantic and aegosexual; a person who enjoys the idea of romantic and sexual relationships in movies or any kind of content, but doesn't desire them at all in real life (in practice an AroAce - an asexual aromantic).
An Aego AroAce will probably enjoy reading NSFW stories and all that, but will not want to do that IRL.
by ONG3N April 15, 2022
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An Oriented AroAce is an AroAce person who identifies with another orientation label in a nonromantic, nonsexual way. For example, Oriented AroAce’s may identify as a Pan AroAce, Bi AroAce, Lesbian AroAce, or Gay AroAce, etc. Other attractions that an Orientated AroAce May feel could be: Alterous Attraction, Aesthetic Attraction, Emotional Attraction, Platonic Attraction, QueerPlatonic Attraction, Sensual Attraction (eg hugs from ppl are nice), etc.
Koko: “Hey, btw I’m Orientated AroAce. That means I still don’t feel romantic and sexual attraction, but I feel other attractions. I feel Aesthetic, Alterous, Platonic, and Qplatonic”.

Kai: “Ah cool, I’ve never heard the term until now. Which way do you swing on the non-romo non-sexual attrac scale?”

Koko: “Oh, I’m Pan AroAce”

Kai: “I’ll always support you”.
by Koko_themouse April 8, 2020
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A person who feels neither sexual nor romantic attraction to anybody - and is therefore aromantic asexual, or 'aroace' - but experiences an attraction which is strong enough to be recognized as an orientation.
There could be, for example, straight, bi, or gay aroaces.
A: "I... think I like you."
B: "Huh? I thought you were aromantic asexual?"
A:"Sure! But that doesn't mean I'm not attracted to people in any way... I'm an oriented aroace, and I think I have a squish (aromantic asexual crush) on you."
by Fried Jam May 16, 2019
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when you think someone likes you (they dont) because you are overthinking stuff as an aroace person and trying to make sure no one asks you out/are paranoid
"do they like me, or do I have Aroace Panic"
by BackGroundSignal October 4, 2022
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