Winning a championship or a championship ring in professional sports.
Skip: K.D is the best basketball player in the world.
Steven: Wait a minute....Lebron is the best. K.D. hasn't gotten "The Chip" yet!
by boo&brasen May 6, 2013
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A male, generally of Canadian decent, who displays a lumberjack beard and owns a magic penis.
1."Is that the dude on the Brauny paper towels?" "No, you can tell by his glowing pants that he's a chip."

2. "The only way to satisfy an entire Harem in under 5 minutes is to employ a chip."
by kayto82 February 3, 2010
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I Gotz Lotz OF Chips
by shane June 19, 2003
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A salty tasty potato crisp that goes good with any meal
Kaylee : So you and Jake had amazing sex last night!
Kiersten : Oh yes he fucked me hard and I rode him like a horse!
Steve : Hey Kiersten want some of my Chips there sour cream and onion?
Kiersten : Get lost hot dog breath!
Steve : Wow we must have a real connection how did you know I had a hot dog for lunch!
Kiersten : Do you want me to slap you!
Steve : Oh that would be great my dick needs some action!
Kiersten : GO AWAY!
Steve : Ok sorry I bothered you: Hey Chad want some Chips there sour cream and onion?
by SlopNChop August 5, 2017
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The nickname for an over-opinionated and under-informed female executive who enjoys posting unsolicited and uninsightful advice on how to be a good leader. Is usually unemployed making the irony so obvious, even Chip should see it.
Why does Chip keep writing about leadership when she has never been a CEO before?
by number1beztfuckup December 24, 2022
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After creating the infamous slur 'melt' over 10 years ago, We now come to you with the next trend setter. Created through the evolution of group banter, 'chip' is the new 'melt'.

In its most basic definition Chip means you are a disappointment, however can mean and not limited too: boring, flake, not funny, made a mistake, stupid.
Friend arrives at party and forgot his bottle of vodka - You would say "You absolute chip, can't believe you forgot your bottle"

Friend cancels a night out at the last minute - You would say "what a chip for cancelling last minute"

Friend cracks joke that was unfunny - You would say "About as funny as a chip" and could be followed by "such a chip'
by DeepInTheMix86 November 10, 2021
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When a person, place or thing is corny or stupid.
That girl didnt give me her number, she's chips
by Mippa May 15, 2006
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