"Agnostic is, i believe in the ting, but i don't know what the ting is." - KSI, March 18, 2018.
"Na i'm...i'm uhhh agnostic so."
by iRanger March 18, 2018
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A person who believes that there may or may not be a god, they may decide later on in life if there is or is not. They are not atheists without balls. And they want proof before admitting or denying God.
I am agnostic, i dont really know if there is a God or life after death.
by Idunno4538 July 14, 2020
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It's Greek, and it literally means "without knowledge." (a=without, gnossos=knowledge). An antipathy towards religion and/or the existence of God.
More and more young people in the West are considering themselves agnostic.
by Kijsjaan08 October 12, 2008
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Somebody who is too much of a coward to lean towards the idea that god doesn't exist, and instead just rides the fence. Agnostic is not in the middle of atheism and theism. Theism has to do with belief and gnosticism has to do with knowledge so being an "agnostic" is just a way of saying "I'm too much of a pussy and don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings so here I go.
Did you know that all "agnostics" are technically atheist by definition? An atheist, by definition, is somebody who lacks a belief in god. An agnostic says that gods existence cannot be known, which would still make them an atheist because they hold no belief in god.
by Your hot friend August 31, 2019
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He is agnostic, he isn't sure if god exists.
by TheOtherDrG April 13, 2011
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A way for someone to keep saying God Bless you when somebody sneezes without believing in any God. A way for someone to go to church and say something like spectacles, testicles, wallet, and watch without holding anything about church sacred. A way to play all sides of the fence.
An agnostic doesn't want any negative stigma that goes with being an atheist or a non believer, but they don't want to come across as a religious nut standing in the street with a bullhorn preaching about people needing to repent of their sins. Really an agnostic wants to laugh at both the religious nut in the street and the atheist or devil worshipper, what is a more cowardly view of things than being an agnostic? You either believe in something in full, or you don't believe in it at all, it's simple and there is no in between.
by Solid Mantis February 10, 2021
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1. Someone who considers ancient texts to be on the same level of credibility as scientific research.

2. Someone who is fully aware of the abundance of evidence refuting the claims of religion, but couldn't care less about religious ideology ruining the world.

Atheist: "Stop crying. Not believing in something because of a lack of evidence is rational. Believing in something without evidence is irrational. Saying both sides of the argument are equal is both smug and stupid."
by PedroPierre December 17, 2010
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