To 'party' with a girl or 'hook up' with her.
by Diego August 18, 2003
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synonymous with spliff - a handrolled mixture of tobacco and marijuana. a combination of 'bogie' and 'doobie'.
lets roll a boogie?

no, i'd rather roll a joint. i don't like to have my dessert with my dinner.
by katie katherine July 28, 2010
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A gathering of skydivers that results in jumping out of various types of aircraft, partying, nudity, and all kinds of intoxicating beverages (after the beer light is turned on, of course).
The Chicks Rock Boogie was amazing this year.
by B!tchBoyShooter October 13, 2010
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another word for boogers, dry snot, residue and mucus in the nose. Its a word used by little kids that pick their nose.
Eugiene... Stop picking your boogies

boogies boogies
by tatomuck1 October 25, 2008
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1. To leave
2. To run
3. To run unexpectantly
4. To flee out of fear
1. It's gettin' late, I'm about to boogie.

2. Yo the cops came and son boogied like a bitch!
by El Jr. June 10, 2004
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Damn, Chris gave you some boogie this time around..
by contagion; June 14, 2009
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A word formulated in the late 60's and through out the 70's as a term used to dance to disco music.
"Hey thats ABBA playing, let's get down and Boogie!!"
by Blunite5454 December 15, 2007
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