The number before 1 but after -1
Without this we would be nothing
-1 0 1 The normal sequence of numbers from -1 going to 1
by Edward Blair May 4, 2006
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A number donating nothingness, the absence of anything at all.
0 isn't nothing, it's a number.
by Anonymous May 30, 2003
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by PEE MOON March 12, 2021
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an expression of being surprised.
Dan: Yo man I can't believe I got an A on that test.
Fred: Screw you i got a F and now i got to give handjobs in the bathroom for money because I will never graduate and I will become a bum.
Dan: =0
by Pauleeezy March 13, 2008
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Person A: hey, can I litter here?
Person B: yeah, don't worry about it, Captain Planet will take it down to 0 for you.
by Curtbash July 29, 2008
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1) The best angry face emote icon in teh world!!

2) can be used as a fill for a word (eg. angry)

3) used to help describe dislike in internet forums/IMs and online games
1) >:0 my angry face killed your angry face.. BITCH!!

2) im >:0 at you cuz your a jerkoff

3) d00d u 0n|y k!ll3d m3 cuz of teh lagg >:0
by xXxAARONxXx July 8, 2008
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