An amalgamation of the two words "Go" and "Home". A subtle, covert method of implying to a foreigner to return to their country of origin. Usually targeted at ethnics scrounging off the nations governments and those who are detrimental to society.
"Hello Mr Patel, this is Ricky from immigration, would you and your family of 28 living above the local 'Happy Shopper' kindly GOM."
by Akash Barvic Sleeves October 13, 2003
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G.O.M.S acronym for Grumpy old Man syndrome, ofen found in teachers, and rich grandfathers.
''damn that guy is mean, he must have GOMS''
by GOOBLE PLEASE February 20, 2010
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Gom is a Irish slang used by many Irish people in Ireland. Gom not to confused with Gob means that you are mentally handicapped or are just mentally retarded like kids that make TikTok videos and play Fortnite.
Hey Paddy have ya seen the fight with Tyson Fury
Yeah Michael I did, he made himself look like a proper gom
by suckmyknobcheese123 September 16, 2019
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"Oh god, here come some GOMS."

"Adam, can you sort these GOMS out for me?"

"I needed to go into the back for a piss, but instead had to deal with some douchébag GOMS"

Also available - GOMFS.
by GOMS_hater September 17, 2010
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A sporey fungi that lives in navel oranges from southern Florida. The disease results in green neck and swollen esophagus.
Mrs. Mische ordered oranges from the FFA and now she is in the hospital because they were infected with GOMS.
by bw93 November 14, 2010
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Grumpy Old Man. From the TV show of the same name. An older man who enjoys complaining, or finds most things about the world are not as good as they used to be.
Don't be such a GOM.
by bev70 January 9, 2011
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