When you're so angry, typically in a rant that you queef.
"I am so my I'm anger queefing" Audrey said
by JohnDark September 25, 2020
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The act of shitting in a stretchy sock and pulling over a large bald man's head
Wow he almost gave that bald guy a dirty anger!
by Dongulusmaximus April 22, 2023
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Genuine Anger is the best hat for the Sniper class in Team Fortress 2
Many people think it is overused by 12 year olds, because it is... Well its still a good hat
Look, that guy has a Genuine Anger, he is either a edgy 12 year old or some Tryhard
by DogePedia November 8, 2017
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It’s when you get so angry your dick becomes erect
Man my boss pissed me off so bad I popped an anger boner and everybody looked at me weird
by Lukey bhole December 12, 2021
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While the 40 participants initially spent equal time attempting to conquer the unsolvable puzzles the scientists put before them, a one-hour nap made people more likely to continue spending time on the problem, while non-nappers (who watched a nature documentary for an hour instead) were more likely to give up. The nappers also reported that they felt less impulsive after having a snooze. The subjects had kept a consistent sleep schedule for the few days before the study, and the groups were randomized to control for age, habitual feelings of sleepiness, and other factors.
I was boiling when I figured out their game to try and prove I'm a disloyal person but I uped them one and took a anger nap before I said something I wouldn't usually say.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd December 1, 2019
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A faggot thats a faggot cuz they are angry and angry cuz they are a faggot
"oh kareon? that guys an anger faggot -ic#9362"
by Trollly December 12, 2022
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The boilig heat of destructive rage that comes from the depths of despair when your friend replies with seen when you tag him/her in a meme
me: oh look at this wonderfull meme(*)
me: "entering the tag anger*
me: "u make me wanna choke a bitch and eat their organs!
by Stynoo December 21, 2016
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