A derogatory term used by Manhattanites to refer to the "outer boroughs" of NYC: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island.
"I avoid the BBQS whenever possible."
"I don't date losers living the BBQS."
by Co6akaCo6aka July 3, 2017
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Guy: "Damn girl, that was a nice BBQ."
Girl: "Thanks.mmmmmmmmm."
by ilikebigblackqueefs February 16, 2022
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Piss, bbq
Need to go to the toilet, be back quick
by Sp4c3r January 17, 2020
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When a guy cums on someones face and they have to use a KFC receipt to wipe it off. It can also be a piece of KFC chicken to wipe it off with if they want to eat it after.
Laura got given a Dirty BBQ and now can't get her refund at KFC.
by Fattyboombom August 10, 2023
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