Nope --- devious and undisciplined shyster dat he was, he did indeed rob Peter to obtain funds to pay Paul back, but then he used said stolen funds to just engage in more foolish spending (which of course is why he'd had to borrow money from Paul in da first place!). Shame on him.
One should be very wary of loaning money in any case, even if da requester says he needs da cash just to "pay back Paul" (i.e., to settle a debt he presently owes to someone else)... you should first research da requester's past performance in such matters; you will often discover dat some of his past loans were indeed supposedly earmarked for setting his debts with Paul, but he didn't actually pay Paul, though.
by QuacksO July 25, 2019
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This is a member of an Instagram group chat who is very legendary. So famous that he's got his own day named after him (St Patrick's Day).

Known for saying phrases like "Cry more" and "SIUUUUU". Also known for being high in the past.
"Did you hear about the DFO 4 legend?"
"It's actually Patrick?"
"Yeah, that dude."
by OutOfContextDFO January 19, 2021
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A person who is always a stubborn prick regardless of atmosphere or time frame.
Richard ate all of the coolwhip with his pie, hes an actual dickhead.
by larcod February 4, 2018
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Actualized Defamation is the result akin to "call a person a monster for long enough, they will become a monster" but on a larger scale. When society or a powerful feed source within it presents manufactured or stereotyped information about one group of people, those people over time will become what they are told they are, even if the target group fights against or protests the propaganda/prejudice. Indeed the fight against the words cast about them can aid in speeding and further ingraining it as truth.
"Gay males are overly focused on sex and generally rebellious against safe practices, in my opinion, is the perfect example of actualized defamation. If they lived through the 80s and 90s, they had the media's AIDS obsession, the Christian Church's bible and evangelicals, and the general public's ignorance telling them from every direction they were 'plague spreading sexual monsters'."
by FaqBasher January 17, 2022
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Brian: “this dude is actually fucking a dead body”
Jake: “what the hell why would he do something as horrible as that?”
Brian: “he said no homo tho
Jake: “oh ok it’s fine then”
by Lil big 4x October 16, 2019
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