Three flaming wannabe rockers.
They're about the gayest thing since the Backdoor Boys and The New Fags On the Block.

All I can say is, hopefully their young brother doesn't join their butthole-surfing ranks.

Dude: What of a bunch of ass-rammers.
by Silent Fuckin' Bob August 23, 2008
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A stupid boy band that came up from the far reaches of hell to spread evil music and seduce young 10-16 year old girls to liking them, even though they know they suck music wise, they still think that they still portray looks that thrill them even though the common girl would say that they are not that attractive looking and that they're fake just like the jerk that the usual girl has dated in her lifetime.

The fan usually does this in a post like this:

1) Speak out in rage that the person doesn't like them that everyone should like them though they can't see that they have a thing called "opinion" and that they don't know what it means cuz they are young.

2) Tell the person that they are jealous of their talent and hotness, and the answer is usually "why would i be jealous of a band that stinks as much as they are, and they aren't that good looking"

3) The fan finds themselves with no good comebacks so they can only use the example in #2 because they know they can't win.

4) Tell the person that they are the greatest band in the world, that they are cute, hot, kind, sweet, and talented, even though they can't really name another band that they also like other than them. Though they can say that even though there are more than 100 bands that rock more than them, try giving The Beatles, The Who, Led Zeppelin, KISS, Queen a listen and then you'll realize that you were too stupid to realize that you are too shallow in the realm of music.
Girl 1: OMG! I love the Jonas Brothers they're so hot and talented

Guy: riiiiiigggghhtttt.... no they aren't talented and they aren't that hot looking.

Girl: But they're the greatest band in the world, they are so hot and talented.

Guy: Not even by a long shot, let alone getting your ears bleeding to their god awful sound and voices.

Girl: They're voices are amazing, your jealous!

Guy: Come on, can't you think of anything better than that, i've heard better comebacks than a toaster.
by Tom11983 August 4, 2008
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"Hey! Did you hear the Jonas Brothers' new song?"
"Oh! Don't you mean the Fags in tight pants' new song?"
by YourMothersafaggot Fosho October 19, 2008
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A word to describe any homosexual activity

Also a boy band happen to be called Jonas brothers and they happen to fit in the description of a Homo
they are also "life unworthy of life" Adolf Hitler
why are you doing the jonas brothers on him Jimmy?
by lifenotworthalife October 17, 2009
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1. the worst musicians ever to hit planet earth.

2. basically put, they repeat the same shitty guitar riff and sing in their nasal voices the most fucking nonsense lyrics ever to come out of a fudge packers mouth.
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the jonas brothers suck each others dicks all night long. Hence the title of "Lovers" is bestowed upon them.
by which name hasn't been used November 28, 2008
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