The denial of one's own bisexuality (in favor of speciously identifying as "homosexual" or as one of several synonyms for "bisexual," or eschewing a sexuality label entirely) in an attempt to avoid being the object of biphobia. Refers to actress Cynthia Nixon.
He issued a Nixon Denial in the same breath as he confirmed his romantic relationships with people of at least three genders. But if he wants to identify as "flexisexual," I suppose that's his prerogative.
by Tiggy Upland February 4, 2014
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A roommate who sleeps with every woman he possibly can, including 30 year old ex wives(which have 2 kids), too total up the amount of people slept with above the 30 mark. He then denies the fact that he could have an STD and refuses to get tested for it. Thus making all of his other roommates wash there hands in an over excessive manner to avoid any kind of contact.
Andrew: “So Holland, how many women have you been with?”
Holland: “Don’t worry about it?”
Andrew: “Don’t you worry about getting an STD?”
Holland: “Don’t worry about it?”

The next day…..

Holland: “Hey Andrew, guess what girl I banged last night?”
Andrew: “I don’t know, who?”
Holland: “Another 30 year old I met at the bar!”

P.S. Symptoms of the Holland Denial Syndrome might include partial baldness at a young age……..
by Matt Spangler January 24, 2008
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The mental states that a computer owner goes through when the only copy of data is lost. For instance, a hard drive that contains family pictures from the last 5 years which has never been backed up suddenly dies, the owner will go through several stages of denial that the data has been actually lost and cannot be recovered.
A classic case of Data Loss Denial (DLD):

"It was 230am. I had been staring at the clicking hard drive for 6 hours non-stop, as if my very retinal gaze would be able to pull the 700GB of lost JPGS back to life thru the steel sides of the hateful beast. I started to scream, then wail like a banshee from "LOTR part 5". "FUCK!!! FUCK FUCK!!!! FUCK ME!!!! FUCK ME!!!! DIE DIE DIE DIE!!!!!" I screamed over and over and over. The walls shook. The kids awoke in terror and cried. My wife grabbed the phone and started to dial 911. I wrenched the phone from her hands and screamed "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. YOU DON'T! That was 700 hundred FUCKING JIGGABYTES OF OUR LIVES!!!!!!!!! And now its GONE!!!!!!!". I grabbed the black metal rectangle of clicking death and ran downstairs. I started to throw it over the back fence. Then I stopped. I thought, hmmmmm, maybe, just maybe, if I hook it back to that SATA cable, just one more time?? And power cycle again? Yeah, that'll do it. Lets go try again....."
by Chuckles759 February 3, 2010
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This is when a lady refuses to have sex with her, even though he has a full on morning wood!
Lisa gave Jon morning wood denial, after having fought the night before!
by guyfawkes74 January 4, 2010
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Old heads who try to change the hip-hop culture though denial instead of talking about it
Meek mill:tay-k is crazy
The breakfast club:who's that's ??
Blackyspeakz: *does video about the breakfast club not knowing who tay-k is,includes old head denial*
by Uncle_kevvo May 19, 2018
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anyone who has a hairstyle like Justin bieber. These people will deny liking justin bieber but if you actually knew the you would find out that they watch his videos online and love his music. these people can aften be caught humming the tune to "baby baby baby"
wow, that guy is such a justin bieber wanna be in denial
by bambambam321 July 12, 2010
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This happens when someone else accuses you of being a stalker/addicted to facebook when, in actuality, you are the one who is the addicted stalker. These people tend to not admit this fact, hence why they are in denial.
Elliot - Hey do you know that girl Ahmay?
Leigh - Yeah, what about her?
Elliot - She is in hardcore face book denial. She needs some help.
Leigh - Seriously.
by Elliot Swarz December 9, 2007
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