Said by one typically when in the state of 2nd hand embarrassment when someone around them is acting completely and utterly retarded for no apparent reason
18 year old: Acts like a 5 year old

Person: Have you taken your morning meds?
by Jack Spank9049 January 4, 2023
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A question asked by a female voice in your head whenever you enter a cafe shop and a guy says "ah you are back"
Voice in le head : Where have you been ?, been searching all along, came facing twilight on and on
by Omin,the_definer October 28, 2023
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when one is having a particular shite game of cod
im Having a Cooney today
by TANK031193 August 29, 2011
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Da "parody on da cake-baking saying" remark dat you smilingly say to a cute chick whom you've unexpectedly met somewhere, and you are savoringly pressing her soft warm palms against yer fuzzy cheeks.
I always love joking around about, "If I'd known you were coming, I'd have shaved my beard" wif pretty girls whom I befriend; said humorous remark always gets da biggest amused giggle-fits outta dem.
by QuacksO October 22, 2023
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A remark heard frequently in da White House during da Reagan years.
Ron Headrest couldn't really serve very effectively as commander-in-chief if about da only interaction wif other humans was to reply to da question, "Have a good nap, Mr. President?" As da "Satire From The Capitol Steps" song quipped, "But what good's a president... oh, what good's a president... yea, what good's a president --- if all he does is sleep? Duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum-duh-dom-duh-dum --- dum --- DUHMMM!"
by QuacksO January 29, 2023
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The phrase "Having a Snitt time" refers to when you're having amazing time where you feel emotions of happiness
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