The receiver of simp like treatment.
I so many people give me money and praise me, I'm such a took
by JamesCartly November 9, 2020
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To be taken for a fool time and time again, gullible, easily mislead, remarkably ignorant, sold a bad bill of goods constantly.
Landon was deceived again. That guy will believe anything and run with it. He's constantly taken for a fool. He's Took.
by BigJD3 November 3, 2023
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Buzzkill who starts beef but doesn't like when people return it
"Ugh Amanda was such a took on Thursday"
by Odsal det August 1, 2022
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When you get robbed in front of girls for X amount of money and the people that robbed you take your balls and put it on a trophy case
Jazz “ They Took My Balls
Me “Ofc they would”
by Jazz6969 August 15, 2020
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i don’t even know who you are
you took EVERYTHING from me 🤕”
“i don’t even know who you are 🤔”
“😏 you will 😈”
by ZΣPH Ψ April 23, 2023
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Having sex with a guy with a really short penis
Person 1: I heard you had sex with that Asian foreign exchange student last night.

Person 2: Yea, I really took a bullet there.
by cucchiebug May 21, 2018
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When you try to make it to the toilet on time for a nasty shit but fail, soiling yourself. In honor of Ravens QB Lamar Jackson who experienced a very public episode of this during a game in 2020.
That Indian food tore me up, I ran like hell for the bathroom but took a Jackson instead. Now I need new pants.
by NorseStar November 9, 2022
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