The vehicle that is used in order for one to transport his or her friends to and from their partner's house; usually in an instance in which the friend will be receiving some type of sexual favor for their partner upon arrival or during the time spent together; most "poon taxi" incidents occur when the friend either does not have a license or a vehicle of their own to drive
Friend: "Hey dude! Please drive me over to my girlfriend's house! She's really horny!"

Me: "No! I've done this too many times and I refuse to keep being your poon taxi!"
by beretta_dilly_whop August 7, 2011
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When a girl gets in a random guys car and makes out with them.
"Did you hear vivian did taxi cab with will?"
by Skidaddle Skidoodle June 25, 2019
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An upgrade on the Taxi Cab. Two in the front and five in the back.
How did Sarah get home last night? I heard she got a maxi taxi, but didn’t get in a cab
by Timothy Hardstaff February 2, 2021
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When you let out a little bit of a fart just as someone is walking by. They catch your fart and crop dust others with your smellies - you have a fart taxi.
I let out a squeaky fart just as Mallory was walking by. She got a little on her and passed it along to Davis at the bar. Mallory was my fart taxi. Bless her heart.
by GoGo Bates June 9, 2022
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The finest, sweetest, hottest, wettest, best piece of ass anywhere around. You just can't miss a chance to take a ride.
"Others may be good, but only Courtney has that Platinum Taxi!"
by Oakley Grab Ur Gun November 22, 2013
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Giving your "good friend" a piggy back ride while he enters you from behind. (Anally) ((male only))
"Look how happy J.D. and Mike look. Mike is so nice to give J.D. a Mike Bebek Taxi ride"
by Taxi guy January 23, 2021
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Government taxis come in many forms, but most often they have some local common characteristics.
The larger variants include a separate traveling section for the customers.

Differing from other taxis the government pays for your trip. The pick up is available everywhere, but unfortunately they only stop in one place, a government provided accommodation service. The government taxi usually does not require a specific call, just break a showcase and wait.

On the trip you are usually accompanied by two people dressed in blue, to provide safety. They also usually assist you and walk you to your accommodation, even preparing the required paperwork.
Rian drank bit too much yesterday, so someone got him the Government Taxi.
by Urban Gnome October 27, 2021
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