2 definitions by beretta_dilly_whop

The action in the sport of trapshooting in which the target is turned completely into dust by the shooter in one single shot
Dude, I just completely dilly whopped that target and won the competition!
by beretta_dilly_whop July 26, 2011
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The vehicle that is used in order for one to transport his or her friends to and from their partner's house; usually in an instance in which the friend will be receiving some type of sexual favor for their partner upon arrival or during the time spent together; most "poon taxi" incidents occur when the friend either does not have a license or a vehicle of their own to drive
Friend: "Hey dude! Please drive me over to my girlfriend's house! She's really horny!"

Me: "No! I've done this too many times and I refuse to keep being your poon taxi!"
by beretta_dilly_whop August 7, 2011
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