Oh have you seen Dababy teaches you how to ride a skateboard? Omg yes it’s better than joe nut definitive edition
by Yoloswagmaster69696969 June 7, 2021
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A kid in your 7th grade class that will not stop calling u mac and cheese.Also roles a tiny skateboard over your head and that then got it stuck in your hair.
¨way skateboard head¨
by McKaylea March 3, 2020
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It’s something where old people try to ride to teach they but fall instead.
Kid: dad teach me how to skateboard! Pleasee

Dad: okay okay.. *gets on skateboard*
Kid: you can do it!
Dad: *rides a little and trips*
kid: DAD!

That’s how dad got a broken arm and leg
by Don’t touch me-my cat May 24, 2021
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a dangerous plank of wood which is colourful to distract you from the terrible truth
oh look! it’s a skateboard it’s so colourful!!!
by skaterhater April 29, 2022
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titties that seperate….
Damn i wish that bitch had perky titties, but no she has skateboards
by BigDInTheHouse December 15, 2022
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Another way to fuck somebody's pretty face up.
That dude thought he was a 5'5" Russell Crowe, a gladiator beating up anything that moved and conquering the town by hellfire, armed with a deadly skateboard to knock anyone that might get in his way off the map.
by The Original Agahnim November 5, 2021
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