When 2 cars in different lanes both switch into their counterpart's lane at the same time.

eg: Car A moves from the left lane into the right lane. At precisely the same time Car B moves from the right lane into the left lane.

Commonly the cars involved in the lane exchange are in close proximity (1-3 cars apart) however an exchange can take place over greater distance without either party being aware of it.
The lane exchange is Mother Nature's way of returning traffic pressure to equilibrium.
by kittridge August 28, 2008
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A male buys his partner a meatball sandwich (whether real meat or vegetarian style), then later in the day the partner must reciprocate by licking his balls to the point of making him cum and swallowing the salty, sticky juice.
Would you like to do a meatball exchange?
by imadraver January 12, 2013
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A melon exchange is when two pregnant women suck on each others breasts until they lose circulation and become unattached from the body. Then they are placed in a blender to be consumed by their child
"my mom wanted to abort me after she got melon exchanged"
by Rusty cabbage August 26, 2017
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When two strangers online exchange gripper pictures, more known as feet pictures.
I can't talk to you right now. I'm doing a gripper exchange.
by Razorgum March 21, 2022
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A ritual performed by chemistry teachers where they strip naked and get into a butt to butt position and fart repeatedly exchanging gas.
Student: "Did you hear Miss Byrne and Mr Oles gas exchanged in front of the whole class."

Other Student: "God I bet you creamed yourself"

Student: "Ohh trust me I'm soaked"
by Jaquantavius February 24, 2021
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When an individual is answering a question, and provides numerous additional pieces of information that are completely irrelevant to the answer you are asking for. Typically you will need to ask this dumb fool the question again, in a simpler fashion, to get a clear answer.
“Which time will you be arriving?“

“Well, I just have to do some laundry. Then I’ll go to the grocery store...I ran out of toilet paper...” Etc.

A Useless Exchange Of Information has just taken place.
by UsefulTerms December 25, 2019
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