The feeling you have in your rectum after eating fiery hot chillies
Man do I have serious case of bum anger this morning after last night's chillie feast!
by dad 01 January 3, 2012
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when you pull up at a mcdonald's drive thru and the lady has no tolerance for things she feels like no sleep rest angry and hunger because she is hungry all the time at the same time.
jeniveve: why are you so fat all the night when sleep begins angry like?

jackson: look like more hungry anger
by colin all spider riders March 2, 2018
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different from hate speech in its lack of depth and emotional (rather than intellectual) nature.
I would call it hate speech, but he comes off more like an angry teenager trying to be edgy, so I would call it "anger speech."
by OpenMicHunter April 10, 2020
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its that thing when you love, for example, your pet so much that u wanna squeeze it really hard. same goes for your friends or gf/bf.
x: Why are u hugging your dog that tight?
y: He is so cute it gives me love anger..
by patrisiadrlol May 18, 2022
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I ate spoiled food and 30 minutes later my stomach feels full and have a weird feeling in my throat but then out of nowhere instead of vomit ANGER!! ANGER!! 3x with gagging.
by Projectile anger July 1, 2022
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Noun : a superhuman power that corrects any wrongdoings done to an individual who acts out in anger.
Austin used his anger magic by getting very angry after his bicycle was stolen, threw a railroad spike through his apartment wall and his stolen bike magically appeared out of thin air in a puff of magical smoke.
by Jewels & Steven July 18, 2018
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When you're so angry, typically in a rant that you queef.
"I am so my I'm anger queefing" Audrey said
by JohnDark September 25, 2020
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